Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Honey Do Party

Hey Yall! I am so sorry it has taken me this long to post the pictures we took of the Honey Do Party that was given for Christopher and Linley. I know I have told you this before, but I mean it with my heart. I have the best friends a person could ever hope for! This party was given by my friends John and Elaine (who graciously opened their home for it!), Virginia and Henry, Beth and Scott, Barbara and Jim, Katharine and Kenny, and Barbara and Danny. We didn't get alot of really good pictures because the camera flash was reflected on a mirror. But we had a fabulous time and Chris and Linley received a lot of very nice gifts.

Chris and Linley modeling their aprons.

Linley with her parents and grandmother

Chris and Linley with their parentals.

The Hosts and Hostesses

Elaine and Frannycakes

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dancing the Pole.....continued....

Hey Yall! Today I received the following comment which was Anonymous but signed by Julianne's friend Julie.....

Anonymous said...
Mrs Jackson-

Julianne is relieved to hear it's not any pictures of her...


So am I Julie, so am I.

Dancing the Pole.....

Hey Yall! Frannycakes MAY or may not be in possession of some very in-ter-est-ing photos from this past weekend. I am sure you all would love to see them, but someone may not want Frannycakes to post them. hmmmmmmmm......I will keep you informed.......