Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Little of This, A Little of That

Hey Yall! We woke up to snow this morning. Lots and lots of snow. I wish it would snow everyday. It is very calming and peaceful. And could we all use a little more of that in our lives.

Jamie left to fly back to Lexington Friday. His flight left at 6 AM. That means leaving here at 3:45. He got back on time and was happy to be back to his home with Lesley and his furry baby Grace Darling. He sent me this picture with her Christmas present from us. It is a stuffed monkey with long arms. They tied it around her neck and she chased it! Grace Darling is just the cutest, most energetic dog, so I know this helped her calm down! She also received some Dingos, also known as dog crack. Don't believe me? Just give your dog one! Weezie knows how to spell Dingo and will jump up from a deep, snoring sleep if she hears someone spell it in another room!

Yesterday, Dick and I went to see Doubt. It has some excellent actors doing some excellent acting. However, we left a little confused. A little. Maybe it is because we are not Catholic. But the acting was wonderful. That Meryl Streep....she is so talented.....

The house is quiet again. I miss everybody. Tootles.


Anonymous said...

I always used to sleep better in the, not literally IN the snow. I guess I mean when it snows...

Anonymous said...

I would love some snow. it is peaceful to watch even though I get to see it maybe one ever two years.
The little pup is darling.

LSJ said...

Oh i wish i were there waking up to snow!!! I miss you guys!!

And I will be sure to send you a picture of what Maeby's stuffed monkey looks like as of right now... he is going to have to go under the needle before she can play with him again! And the Dingos... well they are long gone!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i have some friends that saw doubt and loved it but i haven't seen it. i usually see the shows when they hit the video stores...

smiles, bee

Yvonne said...

Hey - we have that same snow! I will have to go see that movie - and I am Catholic, so I'll have to see if I'm confused - if not, we'll chat about it!

Unknown said...

That is about the cutest little puppy.

david mcmahon said...

No snow here - it's 100 degrees in Melbourne, Australia!!