Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hey Yall! I am having a fabulous time with Julianne during her "Birthday Weekend" on the eve before we celebrate the day of her blessed birth! (Thanks John, I cannot say anything about birthdays now without saying that.) I got here around 7:30 last night and unloaded all my stuff and Weezie's stuff. Yes, Weezie is here to celebrate the blessed day of Julianne's birth also. She is thrilled as always. Snoring even louder. We decided to go and eat and then get some movies. Julianne's cable and internet will not be hooked up until the first part of October....curses. We ended up eating french toast for dinner. Yumm. Then on the pick out a movie. Unfortunately, we were not able to find a movie that looked interesting to us. So we went to the TV shows. I like the Sopranos, but I wanted to start with season 1 and unfortunately, somebody rudely decided not to return (ever) the first disc of the first season of the Sopranos and since I had never seen the first few seasons of the show, somehow missing the first 4 episodes kind of ruined the excitement for me. Since Julianne would not watch Sex and the City with me, another show I have not seen, well, our choices were narrowing. We have always thought "My Name is Earl" was funny, so we rented the whole first season. I can't remember when I have laughed so much. So this is Frannycakes first recommendation on TV program season dvd rental.....GO RENT THE FIRST SEASON OF MY NAME IS EARL!!!! You're welcome.

We went to bed around 12 and got up around 10. We watched more "Earl" and drank coffee and then showered and dressed. I took Weezie out while Julianne was finishing up and decided to take her for a walk. I guess the fact that compared to being at our house in the sticks is a little different than being on a street with cars and people, her "bowels" were confused. I had to pick up doggy doo for half a block....take 10 steps, drop a doo......10 more steps, drop a doo......You get the picture. I think she has been saving up because a 12 pound dog should never have that much crap in it. She is back inside snoring and about 10 pounds lighter. I should be so lucky.

We are about to leave and go to the mall. And the Goodwill. Wish us luck! I'll talk to you later! Tootles!


Yvonne said...

That Weezie story cracked both Tony and I up - as we can relate with our two pugs! Too funny! Hey, I discovered a great show! It's called Mad Men and its on AMC - it's the 2nd season, but by going to the website I got caught up with some re-cap video and read up on the first season. It's a drama that takes place in the early 1960's at an Advertising Agency. Really good stuff! I found about 7 episodes on "On Demand" if you have that....

Lamp Tramp said...

Way too funny, Fran. Loved the Weezie story! Have fun, Mad Men is an awesome series as well as Burn Notice! Check them out.