Happy Thanksgiving Yall! I hope yall are as full as I am! Yesterday, Christopher and Linley flew into Boston. Julianne and I drove down to pick them up. When I was looking for cheap (hahahahahahahahahaha) tickets for Thanksgiving, flying into Boston was considerably cheaper. Considerably. A plus for them was the flight was direct from Raleigh. It was great to see them. I had not seen Chris since they were here at the end of the summer. And that is too long.
We stopped at Panera and ate. Right next door, conveniently, there was a Marshalls. A huge Marshalls! Unfortunately, I really couldn't find the things I was looking for, so I left empty handed.
We got our first snow on Tuesday! Everything was coated white and it was beautiful. Wednesday morning, it started snowing again. I think they were disappointed it wasn't still coming down when we got home from the airport. It is supposed to start again around 11 and end by morning. I hope it does. I love the snow.
Dick and Chris fried the turkey for us this year. We had a fabulous meal around 5 and I was tuckered out afterward. I went upstairs with Dick and lay on the bed while he read. I got under the covers and went to la la land. I woke up about 10 and decided that if I was going to do a Thanksgiving post, I had better get on it! So here goes....
I am thankful that I have a husband that I love and that loves me.
I am thankful for my three children and the adults that they have become. I am extremely proud of all of them and am amazed that we actually made it through the teenage years. I love yall!
I am thankful for my new daughter-in-law who loves my son and makes him happy. We love you!
I am thankful for my daughter-in-law's family who bring him into their family Thanksgiving celebration when he can't be here with us.
I am thankful for second son's girlfriend and her family because I know they will take care of him while we are so far away. Thank you so much!
I am thankful for my parents who have always loved me and wanted the best for me. I love you very much.
I am thankful for my husbands family for molding him into the man he is today.
I am thankful for my brother and his wonderful wife and beautiful children. I love yall!
I am thankful for my aunts, uncles and cousins that I don't get to see very often but still have a special place in my heart.
I am thankful for my friends who are my family by choice!
I am thankful for my blog friends who have given me much entertainment and inspiration! I hope to meet a few of you in the future!
I am thankful to live in a warm house and have plenty of food to eat.
I am thankful that I live in a free country.
That is just a few of the things I feel thankful for and I know I will think of many others later.
Happy Thanksgiving! Tootles!