Sunday, April 1, 2007

I hope....I think......

I still have a little bit of writer's block.....wouldn't you say? But things are a changing! It seems like my life is beginning to move at a faster pace or maybe I am just trying to get things caught up. Regardless of the reason, it looks like I will have more to write about in the future. I hope.

We had made plans to go to Portland on Saturday. I had one of those mornings that I felt like I just couldn't get it together. I finally got a shower and got dressed and made it to the car. I realized that I had left my cell phone. So I ran back in to get it. Then I realized the battery was about dead, so when I went to plug in the charger, I realized I couldn't because the navigation thingy was plugged in. I remembered that I have another outlet in my center console, so I tried to move the 100 CD's that we blocking it. Of course it would not completely plug in and begin charging, so I tried pushing the CD's even further. They would not give. So I picked up a handful and THREW them in the back seat. How mature. I am so proud. My own little temper tantrum. A couple of miles down the road, I finally looked up and realized I couldn't see. I had forgotten my glasses. Oh yes, this was going to be a great trip. I told Dick to turn around and I would go next week. He said no, that we were going. He said he would go back for my glasses, but I declined. As long as I didn't have to drive, I felt like it would be okay. So on we went. The first place we went was a place to look at invitations for the rehearsal dinner. Normally, being without my glasses doesn't bother too much. But I really needed them. I did talk to the nice lady there and got some good information. So I made an appointment for Wednesday. With my glasses. I had another place picked out to go and look for invitations but felt like I would be able to get what I needed at the first place. Plus, we couldn't find a parking space for the second one so I decided that was a sign to use the first one. I love signs! Then we went to Pottery Barn and I purchased a pillow sham of one of their new designs. Needless to say, as with all my pillow shams I have purchased, it did not match. I have ordered another one they have now and since I ordered the whole shabang, not just the pillow sham......I feel that it is a SIGN it will work! I hope.....Is this a theme...

After arriving home, we both took a quick nap and I tried to talk Dick out of us going to a United Way fundraiser we were supposed to go to. But it didn't work. We went and then came home. Today Dick went into work and called to see if I had started lunch. know what the answer to that one was. He wanted to go to a little hole in the wall take out place for a lobster roll. He had heard they were good and they were! I do love me some lobster rolls! Come see me and I will take you for a lobster roll! After lunch, he went back to work and I decided to put some things in the attic. And for everything I put up, I brought something down. Is that good or bad? I had hoped that when I went up there everything I had would look so good to me that I just wanted to bring it down and decorate and decorate. What I brought down had none of those qualities......a runner for the hallway upstairs, some books, some round tables and table cloths.

I guess that is about all for now.....I will talk to you later.....Tootles!

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Well that Lobster Roll does look mighty good! Someday I'll take you up on that offer!