Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ladybugs Go Away!

Hey Yall! Welcome to our ladybug house. I hate ladybugs. Really hate them. Today, I was walking outside and looked up at the side of the house. UGH! They are here. We get thousands and thousands of ladybugs each fall. They will search and search until they find someway to get into the house. And then they spread the word to all their friends. And then they tell a friend and, well, you get the idea. They will be all over the house. I will have to get the vacuum out and try and get them out that way. If you leave them around until they die, they end up leaving little black dots on the walls. And I will leave that up to your imagination as to what the black dots are. I hate 'em. Ugh.


Anonymous said...

Oh POO......

JJ said...

they're everywhere!!!!!!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

already??? we get them too, by the gazillions. the spring is worse. ugg... they stink too.

smiles, bee