Sunday, March 11, 2007

Another Day in Paradise

We are melting. The snow is slowly melting away. We will probably not see it again until next winter. I will miss it.

It has been a very lazy Sunday. Dick went to work for a little while this morning and I slept in. It was glorious! After drinking my coffee and checking my email, I washed a load of clothes and took my shower. Around 5 we went to Auburn to have dinner with someone who was interviewing with Dick tomorrow. It was not the most exciting dinner I have had, but then I didn't have to cook dinner so I won't complain.

Today is Gran Gran's Birthday! Happy Birthday Gran Gran!!!

Boring days create boring blogs.........I will talk with you tomorrow....Tootles!

1 comment:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

happy birthday gran gran!!!

smiles, bee